Welcome to the Journal
The Journal of Southern History (ISSN 0022-4642) is published four times a year, in February, May, August, and November, by the Southern Historical Association, which has its editorial offices at the Department of History, Rice University and its administrative offices at the University of Georgia. For ninety years, the Journal has published the best of southern history.
| Address Changes | Inquiries | Editors | Submissions | Advertising | Contents |
General Information
The Journal is a benefit of membership in the Southern Historical Association, which is unusually affordable: $75.00 a year for a regular individual member, $80.00 for a family membership (which includes two copies of the program for the annual meeting), $15.00 for a non-tenure-track faculty membership, $20.00 for a K–12 teacher membership, $300.00 for a five-year membership, $20.00 for an enrolled student, and $45.00 for a retired member (allowed only when an active member, of fifteen years or more and retiring for age, requests a transfer to retired membership). Upon payment of $1000.00 (payable in quarterly installments within one year), any person may become a life member of the Southern Historical Association. The institutional or library subscription rate is $130.00 a year. Add $10.00 for foreign postage.
Changes of Address and Back Issues
Changes of address must be made six weeks in advance of the publication of an issue in order for the change to be effective with that issue. A charge of $5.00 will be made for forwarding copies returned because of an incorrect address. Notice of nonreceipt of an issue must be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer within sixty days following publication of the issue. Single numbers of the Journal are available for $20.00. Back issues (Volumes 1–84) have been digitized and can be accessed through libraries and institutions that have subscriptions to JSTOR. Current content (from 2016 to date) can be accessed digitally through libraries and institutions that have subscriptions to Project MUSE.
Inquiries regarding membership, subscriptions, changes of address, and orders for current and back issues of the Journal of Southern History should be directed to:
Southern Historical Association
Department of History
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602
Contributions and correspondence relating to articles, book reviews, and other editorial matters should be sent to:
Journal of Southern History, MS 45
Rice University
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, Texas 77251-1892
Email: JSH
Our street address for courier delivery is:
Journal of Southern History, MS 45
509 Fondren Library
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston, Texas 77005-1892
Authorization for classroom photocopying can be obtained from Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., Academic Permissions Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Email: Copyright Clearance Center
The Southern Historical Association disclaims responsibility for statements made by our contributors. The current constitution of the Southern Historical Association is on the SHA website.